Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2024: Movies list
Director: Bill Murray His 1st Movie My 1st movie watched from the directorI'm not sure the story behind Murray's directing efforts, but I really want to know why this is the only movie he has directed. Sure, there is nothing revolutionary about this but it's a solid first effort and it seems he could have become a really good actor/director. Anyway, the movie has great pacing, and is constantly entertaining, mainly because of Murray himself. Davis and Quaid make a great trio. I also love Jason Robards in this, good to see him in a later role like this.Added to Lists: Top Ten Performances - Geena Davis Top Ten Performances - Randy Quaid Bank Robberies at the Movies Favorite Trios from Movies __________ Locations: NYC, NY, USA
1 year ago
Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2024: TV Shows list
Season 3 (Final Season)
This show needed one more season. Each season I stay surprised by how much I like it. It's so wonderfully written and cleverly told and with top-notch acting and high-end production value. There is so much more that could be told and even with really liking this season I am still left disappointed. ---------- Main Locations: Russia
1 year ago
Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2024: Movies list
Director: Lynne Ramsey Her 4th Movie My 2nd movie watched from the directorAdded to Lists: Top Ten Performances - Joaquin Phoenix (Honorable Mention Best Child Performances of the 2010s - Ekaterina Samsonov __________ Locations: Cincinnati, OH, USA; NYC, NY, USA
1 year ago
Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2024: Movies list
Director: Bentley Dean His 4th Movie My 1st movie watched from the directorA documentary filled with stunning imagery and beautiful control from the cinematographer. The surfing is appropriately the best part and what kept us interested. The people in it I din't care so much about. The story actually kind of bothered me, especially the moments when he is apparently caring so much about his wife and kids and the goes and faces death for not a strong enough reason. But I guess I'm not addicted to giant waves.Added to Lists: A Dozen Great Surfing Documentaries __________ Locations: Western and Souther Australia Coasts
1 year ago