Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2023: Movies list
Director: Bob Fosse His 4th Movie My 4th movie watched from the directorThere is a lot going on in this movie loosely based on its director. It moves really well yet it's erratic, it's messy yet it's focused, it's self-promoting yet self-maligning, and it's kind of brilliant. "Jaws" may be Scheider's most well-known role, but this is definitely his best performance.Added to Lists: Top Ten Performances - Roy Schedier Dancing the Scene Away - Best Dance Scenes __________ Location: Midtown Manhattan, NYC, NY, USA
1 year, 1 month ago
Stehako added 3 items to their collection
1 year, 1 month ago
Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2023: Movies list
Director: David Fincher His 12th Movie My 12th movie watched from the directorThe movie has a really interesting first act where we witness the and hear about the strategies of a hired assassin; but then the rest of the movie is about cleaning up his mess and revenge killing. Each scene is its own character, in a way, but the main character never changes. Fassbender is purposely emotionless but because of that it never gets very interesting. It's pacing and tone reflects his profession and therefore there is not a lot of life in it. Never a bad movie, but never a great movie, something I expect from Fincher.Added to Lists: Top Ten Films - David Fincher Top Ten Performances - Michael Fassbender Cinema's Best Assassins __________ Location: Place du Pantheon, Paris, France; Dominican Republic; New Orleans, LA, USA
1 year, 2 months ago