Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2022: Movies list
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson His 9th movie My 9th movie watched from the directorPTA, one of my favorite directors of the last 30 years, directing a movie set in The Valley, it's going to be amazing. That trailer led me to believe it, the poster helps, the casting of Haim and Phillip Seymour-Hoffman's son , the supporting cast of Penn, Waits, and Cooper... it had everything going for it; yet, on my first viewing I am left disappointed. That, by no means, means it's a bad movie, in fact, I am rating it 8/10, because there are so many things I liked about it. I just didn't immediately love it, like I have with 6 out of 8 of Anderson's previous movies. Much like "Inherent Vice" and "Boogie Nights" this movie is full of really entertaining scenes and interesting characters. And like with "Inherent Vice" it doesn't work perfectly as a whole movie, as "Boogie Nights" did.Added to Lists: Movies Without a Plot Top Ten Films - Paul Thomas Anderson The Most Deceiving List of Deceiving Movie Titles Most Anticipated Movies of 2021 Best Movie Posters - 2021 __________ Location: Encino, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2 years, 5 months ago
Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2022: Movies list
Director: Ron Howard His 34th movie My 22nd movie watched from the directorI tend to like rescue movies and Ron Howard has had success with rescue movies with "13" in the title... so it seemed like a sure thing... and it was great. Howard's documentary experience seemed to influence the approach to this movie as it almost felt like one. It eschewed a lot of the rescue movie tropes and replaced it with natural non-dramatic dialogue with mostly action of how it happened. There were a few moments of the parents that seemed to against this approach, otherwise it worked really well.Added to Lists: Favorite Rescue Movies Top Ten Films - Ron Howard Top Ten Performances - Viggo Mortensen Top Ten Performances - Colin Farrell Saves in Caves Thirteen is an Unlucky Number? __________ Location: Tham Luang Cave, Thailand
2 years, 5 months ago
Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2022: TV Shows list
Season 4 (Final Season)
This show started off so hot, but with each season it got a little less interesting, clever, and fresh. The final season had several running issues with it that it almost seemed like it was made by different people. The season wasn't all bad, but the finale made it clear they must have had some real struggles in the writing room. Too bad it's too late to make up for it. ---------- Main Locations: London, UK; Paris, France; Mallorca, Spain
2 years, 5 months ago
Stehako added 3 items to The 2022 Bookshelf of Gabrielle & Stephen Koontz list
2 years, 5 months ago
Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2022: Movies list
Director: Russo Brothers Their 9th movie My 6th movie watched from the directorsAfter "Cherry" I wasn't exactly excited to see Russo Brothers movie, but I'm a sucker for a Ryan Gosling movie and the action looked inviting. Turns out, I have reason not to be excited for a movie of their's as the direction, staging, and writing were the weakest part of this. It had serious potential to be the origin movie of a Bond-like character, with Gosling well-qualified for the role as he delivered.Added to Lists: Top Ten Performances - Chris Evans (Honorable Mention) Top Ten Performances - Ana De Armas Best One-Man Armies __________ Location: Too Many for it to matter
2 years, 5 months ago
Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2022: Movies list
Director: Todd Douglas Miller His 4th movie My 1st movie watched from the directorThis is very good straight-forward-action documentary. There are no talking heads, statistics, graphics, voice overs, nothing but showing you the step-by-step mission. It's very impressive and paced incredibly well. The footage throughout is also beautifully maintained. It's sometimes hard to believe this is live footage from 1969.Added to Lists: Best Documentaries of the 2010s __________
2 years, 5 months ago