Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2023: Movies list
Director: Todd Field His 3rd movie My 3rd movie watched from the directorIntelligent and clever dialogue, incredible performance by Blanchett, a very timely movie that isn't pandering or pompous, a story that unfolds rather brilliantly, and an ending that makes it all just... so good.Added to Lists: Top Ten Performances - Cate Blanchett Top Ten Performances - Nina Hoss Favorite Mad Musicians from Movies The Double-Meaning Movie Titles __________ Location: Berlin, Germany
1 year, 7 months ago
Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2023: Movies list
Director: Marc Forster His 12th movie My 8th movie watched from the directorTom Hanks as a curmudgeon actually works quite well and this adaptation of movie which is an adaptation of a book hits the emotional chords the right way and it's a beautiful life-affirming movie, even it is a fucking a Chevy car commercial, which keeps it from being an 8/10.Added to Lists: The Affirmation of Life Through Movies The Curmudgeons of Cinema Movie-length Commercials - Chevy __________ Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
1 year, 7 months ago
Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2023: Movies list
Director: Alex Garland His 2nd movie My 2nd movie watched from the directorThis is a movie I needed to see right away, but it strangely eluded me again and again. There was a part of me that was worried it wouldn't be good because of the general lukewarm reception. Well, I was only slightly disappointed by this point. It has some really interesting themes and and character development and world-building and mystery. It's beautifully crafted and the nearly all-female cast is excellent. Still, there are moments where I can't quite describe why it didn't work or wow me. Maybe it was those "Ex-Machina" expectations still lingering.Added to Lists: Top Ten Performances - Natalie Portman Top Ten Performances - Gina Rodriguez Top Ten Performances - Jennifer Jason Leigh Top Ten Performances - Tessa Thompson Top Ten Performances - Oscar Isaac Favorite Movie Posters; 2010 - 2019 2018: The Year of Strong Female Leads __________ Location: Northwestern Florida, USA
1 year, 7 months ago
Stehako added 1 item to Watched in 2023: TV Shows list
Season 4
Four seasons in and the show continues to blend philosophy, puberty, social issues, and crude humor brilliantly. I would have liked to have seen the whole season set at the summer camp, but the ideas presented during their school year were worthy and makes sense for the story to move along. The way they replaced the voice actor for Missy was clever and good for the show, as much as I like Jenny Slate. She will at least continue voicing other characters in the upcoming season. ----------
1 year, 7 months ago
Director: Michael Bay
His 15th movie
My 11th movie watched from the director
I was really hoping this would bring Bay back to days of "The Rock" and "Bad Boys" and while it's not bad, it definitely didn't hit those marks. The Action is good, of course, that'” read more
1 year, 7 months ago
Stehako added 1 item to Best Movies of 2022 list
Director: Jeremiah Zagar His 4th movie My 1st movie watched from the directorSandler delivers a memorable performance in what not a movie with an original take or feel, but it takes on the familiar formula and does it so well, making this a rare and successful crowd pleaser from 2022. The relationship between the two leads is vital for the success of this film and they got it right. The pacing of the film is also noteworthy, in a genre that can feel rushed and pressured to be shorter by studios, yet it's never slow or boring.Added to Lists: Top Ten Favorite Basketball Movies Top Ten Performances - Adam Sandler When Real Athletes Act Robert Duvall Can't Quit __________ Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA; Mallorca, Spain
1 year, 7 months ago
Stehako added 1 item to Best Films of 2018 list
Director: Paul Greengrass His 10th movie My 8th movie watched from the directorI'm thankful I finally got to see this movie, because it really clarifies all that happened that day and in the aftermath. It was truly horrific, really tough to watch. The first act was reminiscent of Greengrass' "United 93" but then he spends a lot more time focusing on a critically-injured survivor, the monster and his trial, and the country's political handling. It gets long and I feel they could have cut a half hour out of it, but it's still effective and at least a unique approach to a film about a violent event.Added to Lists: Top Ten Films - Paul Greengrass It's Just a Date __________ Location: Oslo, Norway
1 year, 7 months ago
Stehako added 1 item to Best Films of 2005 list
Director: Sam Mendes His 3rd movie My 8th movie watched from the directorAdded to Lists: Top Ten Films - Sam Mendes Top Ten Performances - Jake Gyllenhaal (HM) Top Ten Performances - Jamie Foxx (HM) __________ Location: Kuwait
1 year, 7 months ago