Must Love Dogs review
Must Love Cusack and Lane to even slightly enjoy this film. I love Lane, so I half-slightly enjoyed it.
The Omega Man review
A kind of lame telling of a classic story, but considering when it was made... not bad. I know there are big fans of this with people just above my age. Maybe if I saw it when I was younger I could appreciate some of the schlock.
Hungry for Change review
This documentary gets you psyched to eat healthy! I like that it doesn't attack anything or anyone specific and is, overall, a good-hearted film with people seem to legitimately want you to start eating healthy.
Red State review
Smith goes a completely different direction than what he's known for and the results are much better than "Cop Out."
Runner Runner review
Gemma Arterton is her usual beautiful self... the story and characters, however, were pretty unoriginal and uninteresting. Timberlake and Affleck basically phone it in with this average thriller.
Free Birds review
This movie looked fun, and it was to an extent, but I quickly realized this is geared more to kids rather than people of all ages like the better animated films.
This Is Martin Bonner review
While the subtext moves it along there still isn't much that happens in this movie. It's not bad... it's just that I didn't really get a lot out of it... I liked it but... I feel like in a year from now I will have forgotten all about it.
The opening scene was the most interesting part of the movie and the rest was flat.
The opening scene was the most interesting part of the movie and the rest was flat.
What Happens in Vegas review
...Is usually more than what this movie shows; but I admit it was funnier than I expected without ever truly bringing anything new to the genre.
The Grey review
A movie that would be even more average if not lead by the great and powerful Liam Neeson. I really liked the ending.
Lovelace review
An interesting subject and life that was put in the wrong hands. Poorly directed and edited but you could still appreciate some of the performances